Sunday, October 3, 2010

Mamavation Monday

Wow, I had a whole post typed up and I went to publish it and it poofed on me. Here's to learning from my mistakes!

So this is my first Mamavation Monday post. I stumbled onto Mamavation on Twitter, had no idea what it was. I researched a bit and found that it is exactly what I need. I'm overweight and unhealthy. It is time to change both. I tend to have lofty goals and good intentions, but lack follow through and motivation. I need support and help to reach my goals and Mamavation looks like the place for me. I would love to be part of the Sistahood and maybe even apply to be a Mamavation Mom someday.

This week has been a bit hectic, I'm taking on some new challenges. I recently became a Scentsy consultant (will post on that shortly). I've got my starter kit ordered and I'm excited about the adventure. I applied at the local college to possibly go back to school next semester. I've started this blog! There's a lot going on, but it's time to get off my lazy ass and move it!

I feel a bit overwhelmed. I've read a lot on the Mamavation website and I feel a bit like a new girl in a town with a close knit bunch of women, I'll admit I'm nervous. I also feel like I'm way behind. I figure the best way to approach it is to jump in and offer any support that I can and hope for the same in return.

Eating at work! We have a buffet style cafeteria. You can eat all you want for $2. You can also order a la carte items like cheeseburgers, pizza burgers, chicken strips, fries, chicken sandwiches, etc. There is a free side that has all the salad fixings (lettuce looks less than healthy most of the time) and other salads, sometimes gross looking fruits and chocolate pudding. I tell myself that I need to control my portions, but those donuts look good and I get up there and stuff my face, then feel like crap afterwards.

This past Thursday it has been five weeks since I've had any fast food. This is huge! I was eating out 3-5 times per week at fast food places. It got to the point where it would take an hour to figure out where to eat because we "just had that". I said I was done. Surprisingly, I actually stuck with this! I have eaten out a few times, just no fast food. Limiting my eating out to only a specific number or only for special occasions is a future goal.

Be mindful of what I eat! Pay attention to what I'm eating and how much so I can better assess what needs to change. I already know I need more fruits and vegetables, that's a given.

Drink more water! I'm a chugger, I chug down my glass, get one more and chug that down too. I'll set a specific goal on how much water to drink at a later time, for now, just get water in period!

Figure out a solution for eating at work. Perhaps buy a lunchbox and grocery shop for healthier options to take my lunch with me.

Weigh and measure myself! I have no idea what I weigh, I imagine it's somewhere around 230lbs, that's what it was in May. I need an accurate weight and measurements so that I have a starting point.

Exercise! I'd love to say that I'll get in five workouts this week or run a marathon, but honestly there's no way I could run even if I was being chased. It's unrealistic for me to start with that much. So, my goal is to exercise twice this week, for 30 minutes each time.

Alright there it is, laid out in black and white. My first Mamavation Monday post. I'm hoping that putting it out there will help me with my motivation and accountability. Feel free to leave comments, tips, advice, support, queries, movie quotes, or whatever!


~Lori~ said...

Welcome to Mamavation! What is your twitter handle so I can get you on the list to be a new pledge?

Jump right in. We dont bite. :) We are here to support you in changing your ways of thinking and doing in living a healthy lifestyle. We are all in the same boat.

As far as lunch at work, how about packing your own lunch with more healthy options? It will take some prep time on your part but totally worth it!

Steph-Fit Mom in Training said...

Welcome to Mamavation! Don't worry about feeling like the new girl or being behind other people. We're all at different stages in our healthy living goals and we share the love and support all around! Just start small, with little goals. Too much too soon will overwhelm you. Bit by bit, add in new goals as you master your existing ones. Long term change takes time but is much easier to maintain and sustain.
I'm looking forward to getting to know you!

Steph (@fitmomtraining)

Rebecca B. said...

Welcome to Mamavation!

Start small with the goals... if you try to start too much you'll end up overwhelmed. The cafeteria at work sounds like it's full of landmines, but maybe there's something good to eat there too if you look? Taking your lunch to work too is always a good option. That way YOU are in control of what you are eating, and you know exactly what you are eating.

I'm looking forward to reading more posts from you as the weeks go on!

Unknown said...

OM you sound like me... I think that's why this weekend when I found Mamavation I jumped on the chance to become a member as well!

I'm a "new girl on the block" too... so it's all good.

I made my first post and joined my first live Monday Mamavation TV show last night and loved every minute of it. ;-)

I'm so excited to be able to share/learn/grow/and bawl with some of the best gals I've ever met.

Rachel said...

Welcome!!! We've all been new at one point, so don't worry about that . . . jump right in. :)

I agree with Rebecca -- it's much better to start with one, MAYBE two goals . . .focusing on that one goal allows you to truly make the change without stressing about being perfect in EVERY area . . . which also means you'll eventually succeed in all the goals as you complete each one individually.

I'd focus on water and the cafeteria issues first. Packing your lunch is a GREAT idea -- you get to have control. Maybe plan out your meals for the week in advance, so you don't have to "plan" last minute. You could also, when coming home from the grocery store, go ahead and portion out veggies/fruit in one serving portions; this makes it even easier to grab them on your way out the door.

Looking forward to getting to know you!


Shawnee said...
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Shawnee said...

SO glad you found Mamavation. THIS is why I joined, to find other ladies just like me ... wanting a healthier lifestyle, just needing some accountability and direction. We're here for ya. Can't wait to get to know you better!!


jamnsfld76 said...

Welcome to Mamavation. Like everyone said, just jump in, we get excited to see "newbies" and are happy to include you. We were all that new girl at one point.

One thing I have learned through mamavation is don't allow yourself to be overwhelmed w/ too many new changes at once. We like to call it taking baby steps. One little step at a time will get you where you want to be and it will make for a lasting commitment instead of giving up because it was too hard.

You have great goals and are mindful of your pitfalls. Keep it up. I look forward to getting to know you more. Let us know your twitter handle. :) I'm @jamnsfld76 so give me a shout out and I will introduce you to the ladies. :D

Shelley said...

I'm so proud of you for sticking with no fast food! It's a challenge! I'm still fairly new so I can relate to a lot if your post!!! Here's a few things that have worked for me if it helps:

1) I'm a chugger too and it doesn't matter what's in the cup... I keep a 32oz cup @ my desk and fill it up 2-3 times a day... I've found that easier than a water bottle and drink out of a straw.

2) dive right in- everyone in the sistahood is do warm and inviting that it won't be long b4 u feel like you've been around for a long time!!!

3) exercise - find what works for YOU everyone is different so the only one u should compare to is YOU :)

4) work lunch... This is hard for me b/c I work in a small office and someone is ALWAYS bringing in sweets. I have started packing my lunch the night before so that I don't run ragged in the morning... I find that if I already have my lunch, it's easier (not always easy) to resist. I also make sure to take an extra snack just in case... Apples are my fav... I make a deal w/ myself that if I eat my healthy snack and drink a glass if water and then STILL want it, then I'll have it... Hasn't happened yet :) also, I keep dark chocolate at my desk... 2oz is usually more than enough to satisfy my craving

I don't know if any if that helps, but let me know if there's anything else you have concerns/fears/struggles with... We've all been there and some of us are still there!!! {hugs}

Shelley (@momma_oz)

Lisa Johnston said...

WElcome to Mamavation! You know, the thing that I like most about Mamavation (besides the ladies) is that we're all at different levels of fitness, health, weights, etc. There's always going to be someone who is probably going through what you're going throuhg, and we're all here to help and support each other!

Just jump right in, and we're here for you. Don't feel shy, or behind, or weird... we were all there once, so we totally know how it is!


Lisa @ljenator

Pamela M. Kramer - A Renaissance Woman said...

Welcome you are in the best online support system there is and we are here for you with open arms! The $2 buffet style can be good if you make the right choices. Glad to hear you are a water chuggers that's one of the many things I struggle with. Keep moving!!!! You sound like you have some really great goals. Can't wait to read how you progress.

gretablau said...

Hey there - I've only been around for about 3 months. It's just that everyone is so friendly! I think you'll find this is a very accepting group, so don't be shy!

AWESOME on the no fast food. I think that's the best thing you could have done for yourself and your family! Go go go!!

kia said...

It was nice getting to know you this week. I am slacking and not finishing up reading posts until today. You are doing great by going 5 weeks without fast food and challenged with that work buffet. I hope everyone was welcoming to you this last week. Don't worry about being part of a clique, all that matters is the work you put into your lifestyle. Mamavation has a really respectful group of ladies.