Monday, October 18, 2010

Mamavation Monday

I have bronchitis. I got up Tuesday morning with a sore throat, by Wednesday morning I was coughing like a maniac. Thursday I went to see the doctor and was prescribed antibiotics. My sore throat is gone, but my cough is still kicking my ass.

As far as food, water, exercise wise it's been an odd week. Some days I did extremely well monitoring what I ate, controlling portions, etc. Other days I just gorged myself with whatever I could find. Water was the same way. I drank loads one day and barely any at all. Exercise aside from running around at work was non-existant. This past Thursday was seven weeks without fastfood and believe me I could have caved. My husband and son both mentioned picking something up. I told them no and that if they wanted to eat there that was fine. So basically I did exactly what I thought I would do. I made goals and had great intentions with no follow through. But I'll try again and again until it sticks.

  1. Being sick. I could barely get to work and by the time I got off, I was exhausted so it was difficult to exercise.
  2. Lunch break at work. I was able to eat smaller portions one or two days, but the other days I gorged. I did stay away from the donuts. If I had a cookie or brownie, I only had one.
  1. I'm going strong on avoiding fast food. I do wish I had seen even the tiniest of weight difference, but I know that it's a healthy choice to avoid them.
  2. On some days, I did get in quite a bit of water.
  3. I was mindful of what I was eating on most days.
  1. Continue to avoid eating out.
  2. Drink more water! My goal is at least 4 cups per day. I will increase when I've made that a habit.
  3. Be mindful of what I eat. Pay attention to portion control. I've decided this week, starting tomorrow, to track everything I eat. I hope to use this to see what/when I eat, so that I can attempt to change it.
  4. Weigh and measure myself! I asked Dani to bring over her fabric tape measure, but she forgot and nobody I know owns a scale, so it was difficult to weigh or measure myself. I have to get this done soon, so that I know where I stand! That's the only way I'll know if I make a change.
  5. Again, my goal is to exercise twice this week.
Congrats to the newest Mamavation Moms! I wish you both luck on your journeys and I hope to be able to offer support and encouragement.

So there you go, once again. Laid out in black and white. Let's see how it goes.


Pamela M. Kramer - A Renaissance Woman said...

Excellent goals! Sorry your sick. That is no fun at all. Just get back on the wagon as soon as you can.

Laila @OnlyLaila said...

Sorry to hear about your bronchitis, I know that's no fun. Sending healing vibes your way.

Yay on your successes! You are definitely making healthy choices that will make a difference. Great goals, and focus on getting well!

kia said...

I am really sorry to read you still are not 100% but I think you are smoking crack if you don't realize how awesome you are doing. Being sick is no joke and you need to do what you can to be better. You are amazing in my eyes for not taking the easy way out and letting your hubby pick up fast food for you. That is amazing to me. Your other goals with exercise will be attainable when you are better.

Lena B said...

Feel better and way to go on doing so much anyway

MNMSpecial said...

Props to you for avoiding the fast food. Hope you feel better. It's super hard to do what's best when you aren't at your best.

gretablau said...

Wow!! I'm so impressed by the 7 weeks of no fast food!! WOW!! And really you could have easily caved in your weakened state. I bet your husband and son were surprised too!

I'm confused. You're upset that you didn't exercise while sick? It's okay! You get a break when you're sick, esp if you're still going to work! You are making small changes in your life that you can live with.

Please be gentle with yourself and give yourself a lot of credit for the changes you hAVE made. It's not easy. You're doing great!!

Unknown said...

hugs hope you feel better take care of yourself and rest i know what its like to avoid snacking my mom brought in new stuff in the house and its been a hassle to avoid it.

good luck with your goals


Rachel said...

Honey -- give yourself a hug and a break! Steering clear of comforting/easing fast food while being so sick? That is AWESOME and something of which you should be PROUD! Don't beat yourself over what you did or didn't do this week. You were sick -- it's hard to meet health goals when our body isn't cooperating.

Good luck this next week and I hope you find yourself back to 100%.